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pH,ORP,Conductivity,Chlorine,DO,turbidity,UV concentration,colormeter etc.

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Sensors HomeProducts > pH/ORP > Sensors >
OPF19 Process pH sensor
All purpose "severe service" industrial sensor with triple junction, nonfouling reference cell, built in temperature compensator, solution ground and 1" MNPT process connection
Model OPF19 Process pH Sensor   
 Patented Plunger pH measuring electrode 
 Triple junction reference cell - minimize poisoning potential 
 "Power Pack” Ag/AgCl cartridge for high 
 temperature performance 
 Non-fouling porous Teflon® liquid junctions liquid junctions 
 Flat surface glass membrane 
 "Scalloped” guard to protect flat pH membrane and promote self-cleaning effect 
 Fast-responding temperature compensator 
 TOP68 quick disconnect cable connector, NEMA 6 
 Cast-in-place solid polymer electrolyte 
 Integrated non-metallic solution ground

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