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Sensors HomeProducts > pH/ORP > Sensors >
Orbipore OPS91

Product description
Orbipore OPS91 is an analog pH electrode with open aperture for heavily soiled media and optional built-in temperature sensor. The open aperture allows the use of the electrode in media with a high solids content, in suspensions/emulsions as well as in precipitation reactions where the diaphgram would otherwise block in a short time.

Your benefits:
Low maintenance due to gel filling
Open aperture for application in heavily soiled media
Built-in temperature sensor for effective temperature compensation (optional)
Long service life due to new stabilised gel
Extremely insensitive to pressure and temperature variation
Short response time

Field of application

Chemical processes
Heavily soiled media:
    - Solids
    - Emulsions
    - Precipitation
With ATEX and FM approval for application in hazardous areas.

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